United Against Health Inequity

Vituity Cares is dedicated to healing the most vulnerable, empowering the underrepresented, and ensuring a more equitable future for all.

Foster our future
health care


We will inspire and mentor a new generation of healthcare leaders, especially those who are underrepresented in the industry today.

Bridge the health

care divide

We will provide quality care in underserved and at-risk communities and support the development of healthcare infrastructure where it is needed the most.

Bridge the health

care divide

We will provide quality care in underserved and at-risk communities and support the development of healthcare infrastructure where it is needed the most.

Build healthier


We will cultivate a network of partnerships and outreach programs to address structural inequities and extend care beyond the hospital.

Get involved Now

Join us in our mission to improve the lives of underserved communities.

Our achievements
and plans

These are accelerating times. There are disturbing healthcare disparities due to race, socioeconomic status, and underrepresentation. We all have a responsibility to make a difference but who can best solve these problems? At Vituity Cares, we believe that the people who have experience with inequities are the ones best equipped to build solutions. 
Together, we can change the world, reverse the status quo, and end inequity.